Servo Tech (India)

Traction Lifts

Reliably meeting the lift requirements of clients, we are a manufacturer and supplier of an unmatched array of Traction Lifts. These lifts are compact in size but have a high load carrying capacity, which makes them suitable for buildings having relatively low space. Vibration & noise free operation of these lifts make the entire lifting mechanism smooth. Safety devices fitted in these lifts assure complete protection from any hazards. Moreover, our Traction Lifts have a centralized system for the lubrication of the entire system which makes them perfect.

  • Innovative Design
  • Simple to Use
  • Reliable and Safe
  • Long Service Life
Product Image (HL 99)

Hospital Lift

Price: 460000.00 - 580000.00 MXN ($)/Piece

Our Hospital Lift is widely used to transfer patients from one floor to another.

Product Image (CLT 101)

Car Lift Traction

Price: 460000.00 - 580000.00 MXN ($)/Piece

Our Car Lift Traction is widely applauded by our clients among our competitors for their optimum quality and strength.

Product Image (TE 100)

Traction Elevator

Price: 460000.00 - 580000.00 MXN ($)/Piece

Our Traction Elevator is precisely engineered using finest of raw material at our unit.


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